Get Started
Learn how to set up Bezi and connect it to your Unity project.
Bezi is an independent application that connects to your Unity project. This enables us to use the existing project context to inform AI-based recommendations and scripts that are custom to your project and keep all the work within Unity.
Bezi (codename Sidekick) is in beta.
The Common Issues documentation is available for self-service troubleshooting.
Please report any issues or confusion in the Discord channel. We’ll reply as fast as possible. Fixing any perceived issues may require asking you more questions to diagnose and resolve the root cause, not just the symptom.
Get access
Request access to the private beta
Wait to receive an email confirming your access. Keep an eye on your spam folder just in case
Set-up tutorial
Install Bezi app
Create an account
Select the
Install Sidekick
button in your access email -
Sign up or Log in
to create your account
You must create an account using the email address you received your access email at. If you want to use a different email, send us a note in the Discord channel
Start your free trial
After your account is created, you’ll be redirected to the Get Sidekick page. Complete the free trial flow before you download the Bezi app.
If you are not automatically redirected back after starting the trial, return to this page
Install the Bezi app
Download the appropriate app version for your machine
Follow the standard app installation process (we recommend adding the Bezi app to your dock for ease of access)
Open the Bezi desktop app
Connect Bezi to Unity
Check your Unity version
The following Unity versions can support Bezi:
Best: Unity 2022 LTS (the latest LTS that Unity’s published)
Supported: 2021 LTS
Supported with risk: Unity 6, version 6000.0.29f1 (in active development by Unity, which can impact external apps)
Open the Unity project and connect it to Bezi
Open the Unity project you want to connect to Bezi
Return to Bezi
Open the Project Picker dropdown
Select the relevant Unity project
If you don’t see the project in the dropdown, click
Add project
at the bottom of the dropdown to manually add the project to Sidekick
Both the Unity project and Bezi app must be open to use them together. We recommend a split screen to see both simultaneously.
Confirm Bezi identified the Unity project
Check the Unity Project Picker in the Bezi menu bar to confirm Bezi identified and connected to the correct Unity project.
Connect Bezi to your Unity project
Select the green Install Unity Plugin
button in the Bezi menu bar, then click on the Unity project. It will ask you for consent to install, then the Unity Package Manager popup will appear.
Confirm connection status
When Unity and Bezi are connected, there will be a green bar in Unity’s menu and a green dot in Bezi’s menu. If the bar in Unity is red at first, click the bar to retry the connection.
If either connection indicator is red, the connection must be reinstated for Bezi to work.
Keep the Bezi app and Unity connection up to date
When a new version of Bezi is released, a green button in the top menu will appear. Click the button to update Sidekick before you start work in Bezi. This will update Bezi and the Unity plugin.
Occasionally Unity’s Package Manager doesn’t automatically update the plugin. If you recently updated Bezi and it doesn’t seem to be working with Unity, follow these steps:
Close Bezi: right-click on the desktop app >
Open the Unity project you’ve connected with Bezi
Open Unity Package Manager: Window menu >
Package Manager
Delete the Sidekick plugin: open “Bezi Sidekick” in the Package Manager >
Reopen the Bezi app
Select the green
Install Unity Plugin
button in the top bar -
Click on the Unity project to see the Package Manager popup