Components overview

Components are elements that can be reused across multiple Editor design files. Creating instances of a component keeps them linked across files, so any changes made to the original component will propagate across all its instances.

Components are still in beta. If something doesn’t work as planned or could be improved, please email

Using Components

Creating shared component libraries

Shared component libraries are great for ensuring consistency across multi-file projects and multi-person teams. A single component can be used and updated simultaneously in multiple places and files at one time, eliminating the need to monitor and implement changes one-by-one.

To use components across multiple files, all files must live in the same team folder as the file with the main component. We recommend creating a dedicated file in a team folder that houses all main components, to keep your design system organized.

  1. In the new file, open the Library panel in the bottom bar

  2. Open the ‘File Library’ dropdown, then select ‘Team Library’ from it

  3. Select Components to view the library of shared components

  4. Drag and drop the desired component into the scene. It will be placed as an instance