Accessing file version history

There are two ways to access file’s version history:

  1. Click the Command Center icon in the toolbar, type ‘version’, and select ‘show version history’ from the dropdown

  2. Click the Command Center icon in the toolbar, hover over file in the dropdown, and select show version history

Restoring a version

Click the restore button that appears when hovering over a version in the history to restore it. Once a version is restored, it will replace the current version and can be edited as normal.

Manually saving a version

You can manually save a version to capture a snapshot of the file at a specific time or record a specific set of changes. These are the steps to manually save a version:

  1. Click the Command Center icon in the toolbar, type ‘version’, and select ‘save to version history’ from the dropdown

  2. In the dialog, name the version and press save