Figma Integration
Transfer your 2D Figma frames into Bezi to continue your work in a 3D canvas. Use Figma frames as textures in an Editor scene, and more.
Connecting a Figma account to Editor
Generate the Figma token
Follow these instructions to generate a Personal access token in Figma. We suggest naming the token something easily identifiable, such as “Bezi Editor token”.
Once the access token is generated, copy it and proceed to Part 2.
Set-up the Figma token in the Editor
Return to the Editor
Select an object in your scene or in the Hierarchy to open the Properties Panel
Locate the Materials section of the Properties Panel
Select a Material in the section to open the popover
In the popover, select the Image Texture icon next to Color. This icon looks like a square with a diagonal line through it
Click the ‘Image’ dropdown at the top
Select Figma from the dropdown list
Paste the access token copied from Figma into the “Figma Token” text field
to save
Linking a Figma frame
Follow steps 2-7 outlined in Part 2 (above) to open the Figma popover for Image Textures. If the Figma account is successfully connected, the popover will look similar to the popover in the GIF.
Return to Figma and copy the link to the Figma frame that will be used as the texture.
To copy a Figma frame link: right click on the frame in Figma, go to ‘Copy/Paste as’, select Copy Link.
Return to the Figma popover for Image Textures in the Editor. Paste the Figma frame link into the popover text field labeled “Link”.
Resizing the plane to fit the Figma frame size
To automatically resize the plane to fit the native size of the Figma frame:
Click the Figma frame texture icon next to Color
Hover over the thumbnail
Select Set to native ratio