Body Rig
Design immersive experiences that work with the human form and perspective in a scene.
Using the Body Rig
The Body Rig is a digital canvas for the human body and the body a viewer inhabits in an Editor prototype. The ability to parent objects and/or add behaviors to the Body Rig enables a human-centric experience.
Body Rig elements
The Body Rig consists of four core elements: the Body, the Hand, the Head and the Camera. Each element has their own properties. The ability to parent and/or add behaviors to the Body the rig to create human-centric experiences
Body properties
The Body is the parent of different attribute rigs, such as the Head and Arms. The Body follows a user’s movement in space.
Hands (left and right) properties
Hands are the Body Rig controls. Their aesthetic can be changed in Editor to represent a different controller types, but the headset still defines what is displayed.
Head properties
The Head is the position in which the user views the world. Inside the Head is a Body Rig Camera, which represents what the user will see. See the Body Rig Camera section below for more information on field of view.
Body Rig Camera properties
The Body Rig Camera is what the user sees. The Camera will always follow the Head and cannot be moved or removed. Like the human eye, the Camera has a field of view (FoV), which is adaptable to the users preference.
FoV differs based on the headset. Changing the FoV will emulate it in the Editor.