Any file can be shared by copying and pasting the file’s URL. By default, all files are set to ‘Anyone with the link can edit’.

To adjust this permission level, click the Share button in the top toolbar, open the Invite section in the popover, and customize permissions using the ‘Share file link’ dropdowns.

When sharing a file using its link, there are three file permission level options:

Sharing files by adding people to the file [missing assets]


Step 1

Open the desired file and click the Share button in the top toolbar.


Step 2

Click the Invite section in the popover


Step 3

In the text box under ‘Invite with email’ enter the email(s). Separate emails with a comma when adding multiple people at once.


Step 4

Select Invite. Invitation emails will be sent to those addresses instantly.


Step 5

Adjust permission levels for each person using the dropdown next to their name.

Permission levels for people added to the file

When sharing a file by adding people to it directly, there are three file permission level options: